Ikhana's 100% Completion List

  • Obtain all 20 Heart Containers

  • Obtain the Magic Armor

  • Obtain the Frog Lure and Sinking Lure

  • Upgrade the Arrow capacity to 100

  • Upgrade the Bomb capacity to double

  • Upgrade the Wallet to 9999 (Cave of Shadows)

  • Collect all 4 bottles

  • Collect all 3 Bomb Bags

  • Collect all 60 Poe Souls

  • Obtain the Ghost Lantern

  • Collect all 16 Letters

  • Learn all 7 Hidden Skills

  • Complete the Fish Journal

  • Complete all 64 levels of Rollgoal

  • Complete the Cave of Ordeals

  • Collect all 50 Stamps



Extra Challenges and Goals (just for fun)

  • Find all hidden locations of the Postman

  • Cuddle with all cats and dogs

  • Find all HD Exclusive Easter Eggs

  • Collect a Green Chu Jelly



Collection Pictures


My collection showing weapons, armor, 60 Poe Souls and the 50 Stamps. I made sure I didn't lose the original Ordon Shield, as you can only receive it once in the game.


The maxed out inventory. The bottles are filled with Great Fairy's Tears, Superb Soup, Rare Chu Jelly and the special Green Chu Jelly.


 Proudly holding the Green Chu Jelly (which is super annoying to collect..)


My favorite collection in the game; Golden Bugs!


All 7 Skills.


Clearing the Cave of Ordeals.




Hena's Fishing Hole


Coming later.




Exclusive Easter Eggs



Inside of Chudley's Shop in Castle Town, you can find a few paintings from Breath of the Wild, and a statue of Rauru.




Ikhana's Favorites


Character: Agitha

Animal: Louise

Item: Ooccoo

Place: Hena's Fishing Hole

Dungeon/Temple: Snowpeak Ruins

Boss: Ganon's Puppet

Quote: "Shadow and light are two sides of the same coin. One cannot exist without the other."

Song: Midna's Lament






Random in-game Pictures





The End





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