New game launching soon



Today a new trailer released for Echoes of Wisdom. It's always fun when a new Zelda game comes out. So much new merchandise, so much to discover in the game. How difficult will it be to complete it 100%? If it's like LA Remake, then not too difficult. But I got a feeling there will be a lot more stuff to collect this time. I'm mostly worried about those echoes..


Anyways, I'm currently sick. So I'm not doing much in form of updates or gaming, because I just can't. But I did add some of the newest EoW items in my database just to keep up with it. I'm just looking at what the awesome Chantal (takemyrupees) has updated on her site, as she's a master at discovering the pre-order goodies from all over the world quickly.





Summer Update #3



This will be the last update in a while, I think. I'm currently multitasking the following on this site:


Piece of Heart

This is a new section of the site, containing all spin-off games and other things. In the future, I'd love to 100% everything here as well, but that will probably take many years, heh..

It will go live once I figure out the layout. It would be nice to finish off at least one of them as well while I'm at it. Super Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for example shouldn't be too much trouble.



Doing research is something I've done since 2008. Putting it online is something I've just recently started doing..

Whenever there's a small Triforce on one of my personal item-photos (it will only be on a few though), you can click on it and read all the information I have. Right now there's a couple of new ones at the A Link to the Past item page that I've uploaded. More to come.



The forever-project that will be in progress for the rest of my life. My goal is to have the most extensive Zelda merchandise database that exist online (picture with some information). The old database only had a tiny picture, and I decided a few years ago I wanted to change that (I'm just never pleased with anything I make, ugh). So far, you can see a few items in the database of The Legend of Zelda, Tears of the Kingdom, Link's Awakening Remake, and Echoes of Wisdom.


Echoes of Wisdom

This page will be updated as quickly as possible with newly released merchandise, items I buy, and in-game progress.




Summer Update #2



So I've decided to add the last two hearts, + a piece of heart (what this is you'll learn later..). I was thinking it would be nice to update the database for the new game Echoes of Wisdom in-real-time when it comes out. Never done that before. Not even sure if I'll manage. So far I only know of a few official items, so I'll add those. The Zelda icon from Echoes of Wisdom has that first artwork that was shown, but I'll change her into the princess dress once there's a good quality photo of it posted online. I've also started adding database items for ToTK, though this is a lot more so it will take some time. And I still have to make two new drawings.


Other current activites now is playing NWC NES, sorting sites I've saved in favorites, and doing research on specific items. I still have 3 weeks left of my holidays, so I'm gonna finish up TPHD, and probably start playing through LA Remake again, as a "warm-up" for EoW. Hero Mode this time though, heh.




Summer Update #1



Added in-game info for Twilight Princess HD. I only have a few things left to do, such as the Cave of Shadows..


So far I've actually managed to update this site at least once per month. Impressive.


Now let's see how many updates I can manage during my summer holidays. :D




Princess Artwork




Added the rest of the princesses for the backgrounds of the remaining hearts.




Majora's Mask Anniversary




Today marks the 24th Anniversary of Majora's Mask. Next year, Majora's Mask will turn 25, and the 3D version will turn 10.. In other words, 2025 will be the year of my favorite game!


So, I've made some plans (hopefully Nintendo has too, or else I'm going to be disappointed..). From my birthday, 13th February (MM3D's anniversary) until 27th April (MM's anniversary), I'll be posting a lot of Majora's Mask content to celebrate that year. The posts will be on my Instagram, Facebook, reddit, etc. Here are some of the things I've already planned for:


- Updates on extra challenges and goals in both games

- An upgrade on this index of my site (going from MM 'til MM3d images and icons)

- Merchandise lot pictures

- Merchandise research updates

-Holy Grails




The Shop is back



Just a quick update: I'm starting to add items to the shop site again, because selling items will obviously make it easier for me to collect new items, especially with the crazy prices we have these days.

Zelda items with a high value will be added as an item for sale, while other non-Zelda related items or items that are not worth that much will be added as items for trade.




38th Anniversary




And then it was February again, and Zelda is turning 38. Only 2 years left until the 40th Anniversary.. IT BETTER BE EPIC, NINTENDO!


I've actually uploaded a little test for the new Database. You can now click on the pictures to see bigger versions. So far I've only done a few categories in The Legend of Zelda 1986-section, but more will come.


As for in-game progress, I've just started up Twilight Princess HD for the WiiU. After this game, I only have 3 main games left: Triforce Heroes, ALttP Four Swords and Four Swords Adventures. I actually don't think my Gamecube even works anymore, so I'd have to buy a new one at some point.




A new year




Happy New year!


I've decided to update and add stuff to the site at least once a month this year. Big challenge, I know.. xD


Starting off with adding my in-game progress for The Wind Waker HD.


In April this year, the 3DS and Wii U will no longer be able to connect to the internet. So taking screenshots by normal means with my Wii U will not be possible anymore. That's why I started playing WWHD before Christmas, and will now continue with Twilight Princess HD.




A Link to the Past Switch playthrough




I had some time to play through A Link to the Past again a little while ago. I played it on the Switch and was finally able to 1: complete the game without "dying" (saving) and 2: get good screenshots. My original re-playthrough in 2018 was on the 3ds, so I had taken pictures with my phone which is always the worst option..


I added all new screenshots to my In-Game Collection for the game.




Summer Update #3




Well, more like late summer, but whatever. I've added all hearts except the one for ToTK.

A lot is incomplete, but at least they're there. :D




Summer Update #2



Next, I'm starting to add all extra information I have on my personal items.


Ever since I started collecting I've been doing tons of research on anything and everything. I sometimes write a bit information on my instagram, but I still have tons of info and photos of certain items. My goal was to put all of it up on this site so that people searching for the story behind an item would easily find it here, either by randomly searching in google and ending up here, or by me just sending them a link.


Not everything deserves a full site with extra information (and there's no way I could do that with 2000+ items anyways), but I'll definitely add everything I have on my favorites (the ones I already have pictured in my personal item-sites).




Summer Update #1





- Added 2 new hearts (Spirit Tracks & Ocarina of Time 3D)

- Added three new empty hearts (LA Remake, SSHD, ToTK)

- Fixed the banner so it will stretch after size of screen

- Added E3 2021 and Gamescom 2022 digital events

-Added a new section in the ingame-sites called "Extra Challenges and Goals"


I want to just add all hearts even though the database and some of the gameplay will be incomplete.

I'm tired of looking at the empty ones! x_x




Current progress




Another year, another birthday. Happy 37th Anniversary, The Legend of Zelda!


I swear I'm working on updates here, it's just been a slow progress..


I went back to BoTW this year as planned, and I'm hoping to be 100% done with everything before the new release in May!





Tears of the Kingdom




Love the title for the upcoming game. They definitely copied my site's name for that one. Haha!

Unfortunately, we'll have to wait until next year to play it. Oh well.

But oh my gosh that statue they showed off at Nintendo Live is gorgeous!


I'm currently updating as much as I can in the database for the first game, and it takes forever. ..especially since I don't really have the time to do anything with a 100% class teacher job and a baby. I think my goal at this point is to be done before I die. xD


And I'm currently playing through Majora's Mask 3D which I'll hopefully complete before the end of this year. After that, I'll go back to Breath of the Wild to finish up some collections in there before the sequel comes out in May.




Breath of the Wild




 Today marks the 5th anniversary of Breath of the Wild! And I actually just received the golden poop as well, so that was perfectly timed.. I only have a few more things to do now before it is 100% completed, so that's a good feeling. I really hope the sequel will be released this year. Can't wait!




Added the sites back, plan for next year




Okay, so far so good. Now I just need to add some sort of "footer" and a few more things to make it look better, and then I can finally continue with the new database galleries.


I'm almost done with my playthrough of Skyward Sword HD. My goal was to complete it before Christmas, and it looks like I will be able to do that. BoTW however.. I guess I will continue farming those poops next year as well. Would be nice to finish it BEFORE the sequel comes out, haha. I think that would be my main goal as of now.




Oh no.. here we go again




Yeah I don't really know what I'm doing anymore (and to be fair I never did). xD


As you can see, I'm doing another update. I decided to remove that stupid inline frame, because it was annoying to scroll on two different places. I've also started the process of adding BIG pictures in the database gallery, using some javascript.

For now, all icons to sites will be deactivated. I'll add them back on once everything is updated to fit this new layout. The database will probaby stay as it is with the small pictures, and then I'll just update whenever I've added the new big ones.

Also, I don't even know if this is the final look of the site. I might re-adjust and fix more stuff as I'm going through everything.




Phantom Hourglass




..has now been added.




The Year of Skyward Sword




Not only is this year Zelda's anniversary, but the game Skyward Sword celebrates 10 years as well.

During the direct in February, Nintendo revealed that a HD version of the game will be available on the 16th of July. I'm currently almost done with my 100% playthrough of the WIi version, and I'm really curious about the new versions differences.. we already know about the controllers - which I love (I HATE MOTION CONTROLS), but will there be more? An Amiibo was also revealed a few days ago, which will make Link's travelling back to the sky a lot easier. I feel like there are enough bird statues spread out in general, but I guess it wouldn't hurt being able to save/go back during any point in the Temples.




The Legend of Zelda 35th Anniversary



Happy Birthday, Zelda!

35 years ago, the first Zelda game was released.

In the occasion of this, I've finally managed to play through the Second Quest and added that to the in-game section!




The Minish Cap, Twilight Princess and The Wind Waker



The new update got a bit delayed because of my newborn baby, but three new hearts have now finally been added. ♥♥♥




End of 2020




Another update is coming in January (I'm almost done).

See you in 2021!




BIG Update



 This is one of the biggest updates I've done, because I decided to re-do almost all of the pictures in the galleries.. They're still quite small (because I don't want to use up the website space I'm already paying a certain amount for), but the quality is better + I've split up figures and added all variations. I also added lots of other things around the site. More details about everything:


Index Updates
-Added Stray Fairies to the right, showing all current Zelda activities etc.

-Added some photos and information about my old websites in the About.

-Added a Bergsala visit and ZU's 30th Anniversary Contest in the Events.

-Added a picture of my collection being a meme in the Media.


Banner Updates

-Oracle of Ages / Seasons

-Four Swords

Picture Gallery Updates
-Changed most of the pictures so they look clearer.
-Added seperate pictures of all figures, cards, stickers etc. for the previous games.
-Added color variations for the previous games. They will be in the same picture, but counts as individual items, just like an official count by GWR (3 color variations = 3 items). Boxed items/sets always count as one item, and will only show up in one picture.

-Added an "Unofficial" section (I could basically put anything here from Etsy, but I'll try to focus on items people often mistake as being official). These items do not count for the total amount at the bottom.
-Added a total of 504 new items.

ONGOING UPDATE: Added a little information for each item, which you can see by hovering over the picture. I'm only done with OoA/OoS and FS so far, but obviously the main goal is to do it with ALL pictures..

In-Game Updates
-Added a picture of my save-file and the Photo Album pictures in Link's Awakening DX.




Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask



 Two new hearts have been added. ♥♥

On to the next update..




Current status



Summer is finally here. It's definitely been a weird time.. not just for me I'm sure, but for the whole world. In my particular case I was working from home from the end of March, and that was fine. As of right now though, it looks like I won't be going back to work at all this year. So that means I suddenly have a whole lot of time on my hands to just do whatever. Anything except travelling, obviously.


So, I'm currently trying to update as much as possible on this site, and I'll hopefully be done with the Ocarina of Time + Majora's Mask section this summer. And then I'll just continue on with all games up to the game I'm currently playing. I just finished Phantom Hourglass, so I'll be starting on Spirit Tracks next.


Other than that I don't have much else planned. Just trying to eat a bit more healthy and going for short walks in safe areas, as I tend to sit on my ass way more than I should now especially during this situation!




The start of 2020 did not go as planned..



Hmmm... Strange times.




Happy New Year!



I definitely got a few plans and goals for 2020.. do you?

Happy New Year!







Added pictures from my time in Cologne to the Event site!




Picture update


Added about 50 new pictures to the merchandise gallery, including a total number of each section.

So far, I have 1055 pictures (LoZ, AoL, ALttP and LA together). And I'm far from even halfway. ..which tells you a lot about how much Zelda merchandise is actually out there.




Link's Awakening



I still can't believe that a remake of this game is coming soon.. Can't wait to play it!


But this update is for the one from 1993/1998. The database with pictures didn't take too long this time, as there's not a lot of merchandise from this game out there. Which is kinda sad.




A Link to the Past


Just finished the third heart. .. only 18 more to go! X) I wonder how many I'll get done this year?

I have a few more LoZ/AoL merchandise pictures to put up as well, but I'll do it with the next update.






One of my goals for this year was to make a new Zelda-site. It's obviously far from done, but at least it's here now. Just another lifetime project. Yay.. xD

After I got my world record, I've had random people commenting on my collection, both positive and negative comments. It has definitely had an impact on my focus and general goals for my Zelda collection. And I think this site is reflecting a lot of it as well;

Majora’s Mask. “She even has good taste; her favorite game is Majora’s Mask.”
MM has always been my favorite, and always will be. I feel like this is the game you either love or hate though, as it’s just so different from the other ones. But as a horror-fan, I love every little creepy detail in that game, and that’s just how it is. Agree or disagree, that’s ok, it's just a matter of taste and preference.

The games. “I bet she never even played any of the games..”

Ouch. Because I’m female? Is that still a thing in 2018? Well, I can’t say that I’ve beaten ALL Zelda games, because I haven’t. And also if I did, I can’t prove it, because I didn’t take any screenshots or pictures when I was playing through them many years ago. So another goal this year was to start a playthrough of all of them while documenting it, starting with The Legend of Zelda from 1986. And I also wanted to do a 100% completion as I love collecting things. So this site is now much more focused on the actual games and my achievements in them.

Quality vs Quantity.

So, there were a lot of comments about what my collection was actually consisting of. Hardcore collectors could easily see my rare items, while others just saw a bunch of random toys and worthless plastic. Some said the record was not impressive because it could easily be beaten if you have a lot of money (which is true), while others argued it’s not that easy because it takes a lot of time and effort to actually find some of these items. “The point he is making is that with a lot of money, you could easily use the internet to probably get pretty close to her total number. Time and luck factor into it, but the internet has made amassing collections far easier than in the old days. It doesn't take away from the impressiveness of her collection, it's just stating the collectors typically out due each other every couple of months, and the record will most likely change hands numerous times over the years as opposed to a physical feat record.” Either way, this discussion has definitely made me focus even more on rare items, and also made me wanting to sell off 20-30% of everything I have now that I already got the record for largest collection.

A catalog for Zelda merchandise. “Wow, she has like every Zelda item that was ever released..”

Uhm, no, heh.. Not even close. But at some point back in 2010, I was actually thinking about trying to get everything that excisted. Can you believe that? That was an actual idea and possibility in my head back then. So what happened? Well.. Bioworld, Jakks Pacific etc. started producing hundreds of new items, and today there’s just so much out there that I’m having trouble just saving pictures on my computer of it all. So that was a new idea for this site; try to make a picture-database of EVERYTHING that exist, or as close to it as possible. And that’s difficult enough.




© 2024 Ikhana

This website is not officially affiliated with Nintendo and is intended to fall under the Fair Use doctrine.

The Legend of Zelda and its trademarks are © 1986-2024 Nintendo.

All images and names owned and trademarked by Nintendo are property of their respective owners.